Research Team

Bart Roelands

Bart Roelands

Bart Roelands TBB

Fields of interest:

Exercise and the brain in health and disease – FATIGUE
Bart Roelands graduated as a Master in Physical Education and Movement Sciences (2003) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He obtained his PhD in 2009 at the VUB on the topic Central Fatigue during Prolonged Exercise: Pharmacological Manipulations in Normal and High Ambient Temperature. He was a post-doctoral fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO) for 6 years. He recently finished a 5 year Tenure Track position and now holds a permanent position as Associate Professor at the VUB. He is a fellow and board member of the European College of Sport Science, he is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IF=4.010) and he is an editorial board member of Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise (IF=6.289). Since 2022 Bart became head of the research group Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy. He is currently holder of a Collen-Francqui research professor mandate (2022-2024). Within the Faculty of Movement Sciences and Physiotherapy of the VUB he is vice-dean (since 2020), president of the Educational Board (since 2019) and member of several other committees. Within the VUB he is member of the Educational board (since 2020), the Innovation and Valorization board (since 2022) and the Industrial Research Fund board (since 2022). Over the course of his scientific career he was promotor of 6 finalized PhD’s, and he currently supervises 11 PhD students. He is first/last author of 33 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Sports Medicine, Journal of Applied Physiology, Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, European Journal of Applied Physiology). He co-authored 71 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. His h-index is 40 (Google Scholar). He gave 32 oral (21 invited) and 9 poster presentations at international meetings/conferences and was member of the organizing committee (main coordinator) of the 17th European Congress of Sport Science in Bruges, Belgium (2012).
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