Welcome to the

TBrainBoost Project

We strive to boost international and intersectoral mobility and improve links between academia, business and society in healthy aging.

Changing the World

Boosting Mobility & Building Links

Make the first step with us towards bridging the gap between academic knowledge and entrepreneurial vision to create sustainable solutions for challenges we all face – aging.

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All videos from our project are available upon request. To access these videos, please email us at pr-tbb@zrs-kp.si

What are we doing?

Project objectives

The overall objective of the TBrainBoost is to boost international and intersectoral mobility and improve links between academia, business and society in the field of healthy aging.

Enhancing collaboration

Enhancing collaboration

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Strenghtening learning

Strenghtening learning

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Enhancing employability

Enhancing employability

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Who are we?

Project partners

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